Guess Papers

BA part 2 Elective Persian Guess paper 2024

BA part 2 | 4th Year Elective Persian Guess paper 2024. According to the regulations of BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper 2024, the annual examination of the BA part 1 will be held in the second year. It is also responsible for retesting after the annual exam allow private and general students to take these two exams. The board of directors announces the Guess paper 2024 of the Elective Persian in August each year.After the results of the second year are announce, the board of directors will issue a scorecard. After passing the second year exam, a certificate of merit will be award to the successful candidate. BA part 2 | 4th Year Elective Persian Guess paper 2024.

Annual Exam Elective Persian BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper 2024

The BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper 2024 also awarded medals and cash prizes to 20 students who won positions. The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students. Details can be obtain from EDO (education) in related fields. The BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper , Intermediate and Secondary Education Committee BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper announced the Elective Persian of the BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper Committee for the second year of 2024 in the presence of teachers and students, as a Elective Persian announcement ceremony was in the main auditorium of the Committee.

View Online BA Elective Persian Guess paper 2024

The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students. The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students. Details can be obtain from EDO (education) in related fields The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students. The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students. The Punjab Provincial Government awards outstanding scholarships to students.

Download BA part 2 | 4th Year Elective Persian Guess paper

BA part 2 | 4th Year Elective Persian Guess paper 2024.To pass a subject, candidates must score at least 33% in the annual exam in the second year. The BA part 2 (4th Year) Guess paper International Committee’s annual examination will start at the BA part 1 ICOM in July 2024, and the Guess (3rd Year) Paper will be announce in September (30-09-2024). Get the latest updates Continue to visit our page.To pass the second part of the exam, candidates must pass subjects with a total score of 300 points.BA part 2 | 4th Year Elective Persian Guess paper 2024.This guess paper is for the annual exams 2024.

Elective Persian Guess paper 2024 BA part 2

The new and latest updates about the final exams of BA part 2 are coming. So, I have prepared this Persian guess paper for ADA students. The guess paper is valid for Punjab University, Gujrat University, Okara University, BHU, GCU, Sargodha University and  Lahore University.Here is the most important guess paper of persian optional for ba part 2 2024. The guess paper includes all important hakayat from the book for urdu translation, the important poems for urdu translation, and the important long questions from Allama Iqbal and Sheikh Saadi.

حصہ حکایات

آپ مندرجہ زیل حکایات کا ترجمہ یاد کر لیں ۔ انشاء اللہ ان کے اندر سے ہی ترجمہ آئے گا:

حکایات نمبر 1، 3، 4، 6، 7، 8، 9، 10، 11، 12، 14، 15، 16

حصہ نظم

مندرجہ ذیل نظمیں اچھی طرح یاد کر لیں ۔ ان کے اندر سے ہی ترجمہ و تشریح آئے گی انشاء اللہ

زندگی، نسیم صبح، حکمت و شعر، کرمک شب تاب، حدی، محاورہ مابین خدا و انسان، الملک اللہ، کشمیر

حصہ سوالات

شیخ سعدی کے حالات زندگی یا علامہ اقبال کے حالات زندگی یاد کر لیں۔ آپ کا یہ سوال کور ہو جائے گا۔

یا پھر گلستان سعدی اور پیام مشرق پر نوٹ یاد کر لیں۔ پھر بھی یہ سوال کور ہو جائے گا۔ کیونکہ اس سوال میں چوائس ہوتی ہے۔ 

BA Part 2 All Subjects Guess Paper 2024

Applied PsychologyGeneral MathsPersian Elective
StatisticsWomen StudiesGeography
GeologyHome EconomicsPhilosophy
Essential EconomicsFine ArtsArabic
EnglishPolitical ScienceEducation
PunjabiSociology ( Imraniat )Computer Science
UrduElective Islamic Studies.