9th Class Guess Papers 2024 All Subjects All Punjab Board Guess Papers

9th Class Physics Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

Notes: Start practice of these advantageous guess papers without wasting any hour. You will understand the importance of these guess papers in the examination. Hurry up students, its a time to make the preparation perfect by these guess papers 2024 class 9. You can check 9th class guess paper in pdf here and can also save them along with Class 9 Notes.

Assessment Paper provides all the important questions that are more likely to appear in the final exam. Finding 9th Class physics speculative subjects is very complicate for students. Physics 9th Class Assessment Paper Punjab Board Again, if you are dealing with this problem, there is no need to worry.We’ve uploaded a ninth-grade biogas assessment paper, which will help you prepare for the exam. Physics 9th Class Our important assessment paper is equally useful for all the committees of Punjab.

9th Class Physics Guess Papers 2024
9th Class Physics Guess Paper 2024 Urdu MediumView / Download
9th Class Physics Guess Paper 2024 English MediumView / Download

Ninth-grade exam papers are available online for all subjects.Since you are a ninth-grader, physics is an important and necessary subject for you. Physics is a theoretical subject, so it is consider a rigorous subject. But you don’t have to worry about the exam because we have uploaded the 9th grade best physics reviews to get a high score in the exam. Our best guess is that it consists of important short questions and long questions, which have been ask frequently by all the committees of Punjab in previous examinations.9th Class Physics Guess Papers Punjab Board.

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9th Class Physics Full Guess Papers 2024
9th Class Physics Guess Papers 2024 All Chapter View-Download

9th Class Physics Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class Physics PDF Chapter Wise
ChaptersChapter NameMedium
1Physical Quantities and MeasurementEnglish Medium
2KinematicsEnglish Medium
3DynamicsEnglish Medium
4Turning Effect of forcesEnglish Medium
5GravitationEnglish Medium
6Work and EnergyEnglish Medium
7Properties of MatterEnglish Medium
8Thermal Properties of MatterEnglish Medium
9Transfer of HeatEnglish Medium
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9th Class Guess Paper 2024 All SubjectsView Online

9th Class Physics Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board



  1. Write in scientific notation i) 0.00580 km ii)100.8 sec
  2. Define the term Mechanics and Electromagnetism.
  3. Write two advantages of physics in our daily life.
  4. Differentiate between atomic and plasma physics.
  5. Why a screw gauge measures more accurately then a
    vernier caliper.
  6. Differentiate between Mechanical stop watch and digital
    stop watch.
  7. Define geographic
  8. What is least count of meter rod?
  9. Define scientific notation and give one example
  10. Define prefixes and give one example
  11. Why screw gauge measure more accurately than vernier
  12. Write two rules to find significant digits in a
  13. D/f between positive zero error and negative zero error.
  14. What is d/f between base quantities and derived
  15. What is meant by scientific notation?
  16. D/f b/w electronic balance and physical balance.
  17. Define base and derived units.
  18. Define physics.
  19. Estimate your 14 year age in second.
  20. What is meant by zero error and zero correction?


  1. Your hair growth at the rate of mm per day. Find their
    growth in nms-1
  2. What is meant by stopwatch? Describe about digital
    stop watch.
  3. What is the function of screw gauge? How it used?
  4. A Screw has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The pitch
    of the screw gauge is 0.5 mm. Finds its least count.
  5. Write the rules which are helpful in identifying
    significant figures.



  1. Define uniform velocity.
  2. Differentiate between rest and motion.
  3. Define Translatory motion and linear motion.
  4. Define velocity and uniform velocity.
  5. Define speed and uniform speed.
  6. Define acceleration and its equation.
  7. Define displacement with the help of graph.
  8. Define speed and its unit.
  9. What is meant by positive and negative acceleration?
  10. Convert 20 ms-1 velocity in kmh-1
  11. Define uniform acceleration.
  12. A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20 ms-1 in 8
    sec. Find its acceleration.
  13. Differentiate between rotatory and random motion.
  14. Derive first equation of motion.
  15. Write down formula and unit to find accelerating.
  16. Find the acceleration that is produced by 20 N forces in
    mass of 8 kg.
  17. D/f between linear motion and random motion.
  18. Write types of motion.
  19. D/f between rest and motion.
  20. Define speed and velocity.
  21. Define rest and motion.
  22. D/f between displacement and distance.
  23. Draw the graph of constant speed.
  24. Define gravitational acceleration.


  1. Derive second condition of motion with the help of
  2. Derive third equation of motion with the help of graph.
  3. A cricket ball hit vertically upward and returns to
    ground 6 sec late. Calculate its velocity.
  4. A train starts from rest with an acceleration of 0.5 ms-2.
    Find its speed in kmh-1 when it has moved 100 m.
  5. Drive third equation of motion with the help of graph.
  6. Prove with the help of graph. Vf = Vi + at.
    7.Prove third equation of motion with the help of speed
    time graph.
  7. A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20ms-1 in 8
    second .find acceleration.



  1. Define momentum and write its units.
  2. Write two difference between mass and weight
  3. Why rolling friction is less than sliding friction
  4. Difference between force and inertia
  5. Define newton’s 2nd law of motion.
  6. Define centripetal force and circular motion
  7. Why first law of motion is called law of Inertia.
  8. What do you know about Atwood machine?
  9. Define centripetal force and write down its
  10. State law of conservation of momentum.
  11. When gun is fired, it recoils why?
  12. Write down two method s of reduce friction
  13. Define force and write its unit.
  14. Write two differences between mass weights.
  15. Give two example of law of conservation of
  16. How seat belts are useful in two ways at the time
    of driving?
  17. What is meant by banking of Roads?
  18. Why are spanner of washing machine is moved
  19. Write two methods to reduce friction.
  20. State principle of moments.
  21. Define inertia.


  1. Define friction and write three methods to
    minimize it.
  2. Prove the relation between force and momentum
    with the help of mathematical equation
  3. What is meant by friction why rolling friction is
    less that sliding friction?
  4. Define rate of change of momentum and also
    derive its equation.
  5. How much centripetal force is needed to make a body of mass o.5kg to move in a circle of radius 50cm with a speed 3ms-1.?
  6. Write four d/f b/w mass and weight.
  7. State newton’s first law of motion and explain with example.



  1. Define Resolution of vectors. Also define
    perpendicular components.
  2. Define like parallel forces and unlike parallel
  3. Define Torque and write its unit also.
  4. Define rigid body.
  5. Define center of mass
  6. Differentiate between torque and couple?
  7. Explain the second condition of equilibrium
  8. How head to tail rule helps to find the Resultant of
  9. Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due to single
    force acting on it.
  10. What is a rigid body?
  11. Differentiate between Axis of rotation and
    moment arm
  12. Define center of gravity
  13. Write two methods of reduce friction.
  14. What is head to tail rule? explain with example
  15. Differentiate between center of mass and center of
  16. Define second condition of equilibrium and write
    its mathematical form
  17. How vector are added by head to tail rule.
  18. If 8 newton force making an angle of 45 0 with xaxis
    , represent it graphically.
  19. Write two methods of reduce friction.
  20. State principle of moments
  21. What is meant by plumb line?
  22. D/f between torque and couple.
  23. What is the second condition of equilibrium?
  24. D/f between like and unlike parallel forces.
  25. Define parallel forces .write the name of its types.
  26. Define moment arm of a force.
  27. Describe the line of action of a force


  1. Find the perpendicular components of a force of
    50 N. Making an angle of 300 with x-axis
  2. What is meant by resolution of forces? Resolve a
    force into its components
  3. Nus have been tightening by force of 200 N .using
    10 cm long spanner. What length of a spanner is
    required to lose the same nut with 150 N forces?
  4. A force of 100 N is applied perpendicular on a
    spanner of a distance of 10 cm from a nut find the
    torque produce by the force.
  5. Define center of gravity .find the center of
    gravity of an irregular shaped thin lamina with the
    help of the experiment.
  6. How can a force “f” be resolved into its perpendicular components fox and fee?



  1. Define the force of gravitation
  2. What is global positioning g system? write its
  3. Write tow use of artificial satellite
  4. Why does the value of ‘g’ vary from place to place?
  5. State newton law of gravitation
  6. On what factors, the orbital speed of satellite
  7. Why communication satellite are stationed at Geo
    stationary orbits.
  8. State the law of gravitation
  9. Explain how the value of ‘g’ varies with the
  10. What is satellite and geostationary satellite?
  11. Define force of gravity
  12. Why does the value of ‘g’ vary from place to place
  13. What are artificial satellites?
  14. How the value of “g” varies with altitude.
  15. What is meant center of mass?
  16. Define field force.


  1. State law of gravitation and derive its equation
  2. determine the mass of earth using newton law of
  3. By law of gravitation, find the mass of the earth?
  4. A polar satellite is launched at 850 km above earth
    Find its orbit speed.
  5. Define Gravitation. Determine the mass of earth
    using the Newton’s law of gravitation



  1. Write tow disadvantages of fossil l fuels.
  2. Write the names of the parts of solar heating
  3. Write a brief note on Einstein Mass Energy
  4. Write two Renewable Energy Source. Explain one
    of them
  5. Write importance of Wind Energy.
  6. Define energy and Write its different types.
  7. A machine doe’s 20 joule work in 4 sec. fin ds its
  8. How energy is converted into from one form to
    another form.
  9. Define unit of power.
  10. Write down the names of four types of energy.
  11. Define potential energy and write equation.
  12. Describe the use of light energy.
  13. What is meant by efficiency?
  14. Define power and write its unit.
  15. Differentiate kinetic and potential energy.
  16. Define Einstein mass energy equation.
  17. What is meant by solar cell?
  18. What is global positioning system?
  19. Define Magma.
  20. Which form of energy is most preferred and why?
  21. Write two sources of non-renewable energy.
  22. What is watt? Define it.
  23. Write the type of mechanical energy.


  1. Why fossils Fuels are called Non Renewable form of
  2. A cyclist does 12J of useful work while pedaling his bike
    from every 100 j food energy which he takes. What is his
  3. Define kinetic energy and write its mathematical form.
  4. How energy is produced from Nuclear Fuels? Explain
  5. Write two parts of solar heating system.
  6. A machine does work 4 J of work in 2 sec. Find its
  7. Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 70kg of
    water through a vertical height of 16 meters of 10 seconds.
    Also find the power of the pump, convert its power into
    horse power.
  8. A stone of mass 500g strikes the ground with a velocity
    of 20ms-1 .how much is the kinetic energy of the stone at
    the time of it strikes the ground.
  9. Calculate the power of the pump which can lift 200kg of
    water through a height of 6m in 10 second.



  1. Define density and write its unit.
  2. What is meant by atmospheric pressure?
  3. Define Pascal’s law.
  4. Define pressure and write its unit.
  5. Define Hooke’s law.
  6. Describe the principle of floatation.
  7. D/f b/w stress and strain.
  8. What is meant by plasma?
  9. How does heating affect the motion of molecules of a
  10. Define the term heat and temperature


  1. Define young’s modulus. Derive mathematical equation.
  2. Define pressure .also explain that pressure in liquid
    increase with increase in depth.
  3. Explain the Archimedes principle.
  4. State hook’s law .also explains young’s modulus in
  5. A barge 40 meter long and 8 meter broad, whose side are
    vertical float partially loaded in water. If 125000N of cargo
    is added, how many meters will it sink?



  1. Define latent heat of fusion.
  2. Define internal energy of a body.
  3. Define temperature and heat.
  4. Define evaporation.
  5. What is meant by internal energy?
  6. Define specific heat capacity.
  7. How upper and lower points are fixed on
  8. thermometer?
  9. Define the coefficient of linear thermal expansion.
  10. Describe the use of bimetal strip.
  11. Define specific heat.
  12. State the kinetic molecular model and matter.
  13. Define specific heat capacity.


  1. Explain the volumetric thermal expansion and also
    derived its equation.
  2. Explain latent heat of fusion and latent heat of
    vaporization and write its formula.
  3. How much heat is required to increase the
    temperature of 0.5kg of water from 100 c to 650 c?
  4. Convert 500c on Celsius scale into Fahrenheit
    temperature scale.
  5. Convert 300k on Kelvin scale into Celsius
    temperature scale.


  1. Define radiation.
  2. Write two ways by which transfer of heat takes place.
  3. Why are the metals good conductors of heat?
  4. Define thermal conductivity.
  5. Define conduction.
  6. Define rate of flow of heat and write its mathematical
  7. Define greenhouse effect.
  8. Define rate of flow of heat.
  9. What is meant by convection currents?
  10. What is meant by conduction?
  11. Define thermal conductivity.
  12. Write name of two expert thermal riders.

9th Class Physics Guess Papers Punjab Board

Now they are afraid to think about paper format etc. Candidates can get complete guidance, and these assessment test papers are also the key to achieving good results. Now please see below to evaluate your topic on this page. Candidates should expect good results in any subject for which they are willing to use their time to study, but there is not much time to start the annual examination. It is recommend that students solve past essays and prepare past essays for each subject. To be sure, 40% of the papers come from past papers, and the rest will be use for guest papers. This way you will be able to improve yourself in any article to get good results.

Physics Guess Papers Punjab Board

Physics, chemistry, and biology are the most difficult subjects, and students have applied for these subjects especially in past papers. Candidates are inform that the examination papers of these subjects have been upload and now you can get the examination papers of these subjects from this page.

9th Class Guess Papers 2024 All Subjects All Punjab Board Guess Papers

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

Notes: Start practice of these advantageous guess papers without wasting any hour. You will understand the importance of these guess papers in the examination. Hurry up students, its a time to make the preparation perfect by these guess papers 2024 class 9. You can check 9th class guess paper in pdf here and can also save them along with Class 9 Notes.

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board. Ninth Grade Chemistry Assessment Paper 2024 Punjab Board. Assessment subjects are important for ninth graders. These include subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and chemistry. To better prepare for the exam, here is the Type 9 Assessment Test Paper. Here are the details of what you will find in the pdf file. Here is the chemistry assessment paper for 9th grade for both Urdu and English medium students. The assessment paper is for the annual examinations of all Punjab Boards like Lahore Board, Sahiwal Board, Sargodha Board, Multan Board, Gujranwala Board.

View Online 9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

Now, ninth graders can get these important assessment test papers online from here, and practice easily. 9th Grade Chemistry Assessment Paper Punjab Board. Students of the Faisalabad Board of Directors will soon be unable to get BISE FSLBD Level 9 Chemistry Puzzle Paper. All boards of Punjabi Level 9 Quiz Papers will be available on this page, and you will all have access to these Quiz Papers. BISE Lahore Level 9 Chemistry Assessment Test Papers are free online queries. Students of the Faisalabad Board of Directors will soon be unable to get BISE FSLBD Level 9 Chemistry Puzzle Paper. All boards of Punjabi Level 9 Quiz Papers will be available on this page, and you will all have access to these Quiz Papers.

9th Class Chemistry Short Guess Papers 2024
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Download 9th Class Chemistry Punjab Board

Below is the link where you will find an article about BISE Level 9 Estimates. The link below will be activated automatically when we insert the guest paper in the link below. Thank you for coming here and should come back again for more details on BISE Estimation Paper. The 9th grade Urdu guest paper includes all the important 9th grade Urdu questions. Estimated paper for the year 2024. You can also download it in PDF format. Here are the details of what you will find in the pdf file. Here is the chemistry assessment paper for 9th grade for both Urdu and English medium students. The assessment paper is for the annual examinations of all Punjab Boards like Lahore Board, Sahiwal Board, Sargodha Board, Multan Board, Gujranwala Board.

9th Class Chemistry Long Guess Papers 2024
9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers English MediumView/Download

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class Chemistry PDF Guess Papers Chapter Wise
ChaptersChapter NameMedium
1Fundamentals of ChemistryEnglish Medium
2Structure of AtomsEnglish Medium
3Periodic table and Periodicity of PropertiesEnglish Medium
4Structure of MoleculesEnglish Medium
5Physical States of MatterEnglish Medium
6SolutionEnglish Medium
7ElectrochemistryEnglish Medium

9th Class Chemistry MCQ 2024

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9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

Ninth-grade chemistry assessment paper 2020 is given under both Urdu and English versions. The Intermediate and Secondary Education Committee’s 9th Grade Chemistry Estimation Papers are available online for free. It has been clarified that the examination is ahead of schedule. Most students are waiting for the question to be answered. There could be many reasons why they want to get the Chemistry Level 9th ​​Class Assessment Paper. We will not talk on this page. Although you can get all the BISE Level 9 Chemistry Assessment articles. There are several benefits that we will discuss later. Now, you need to get only 9 types of Chemistry Estimation Papers. Students who are still relatively weak in chemistry can easily get a 9th-grade chemistry assessment paper and prepare for the final exam.

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers




  1. Define Chemistry and Branches of chemistry.
  2. Difference between Chemical properties and Physical properties.
  3. Write down the name of any two elements which were discovered in early ages.
  4. Difference between matter and mixture.
  5. Define Symbol and valency with example.
  6. Give the symbol of Arsenic and silver.
  7. How does homogenous mixture differed from Heterogeneous.
  8. Write the chemical formula of Ammonia and Sugar.
  9. Calculate the molecular mass of Nitric Acid.
  10. Define Free Radical with two example.
  11. Write difference between Homoatomic and Heteroatomic molecules.
  12. Difference between Triatomic molecule and polyatomic molecule.
  13. Soft drink is mixture while water is compounds. Give the reason.
  14. Define Atomic mass unit.
  15. Difference between Cation and Anion.
  16. Difference between ion and free radical.
  17. Define Avogadro’s number.


  1. Explain the important Branches of Chemistry.
  2. Difference between molecule and molecular ion.
  3. Explain types of molecules in detail and give examples.
  4. Write five difference between compound and mixture.



  1. When and who discovered proton and neutron.
  2. What is the nature of charge on cathode rays?
  3. What are canal rays?
  4. Write two properties of Neutron particles.
  5. What is meant by Quantum?
  6. Difference between shall and sub shall.
  7. Define Isotopes. Name the isotopes of Hydrogen.
  8. How U-235 used for power generation?
  9. Define Carbonating.
  10. A patient has goiter. How it is diagnosis?
  11. Explain the treatment of cancer by radiotherapy.
  12. Five character of cathode rays.
  13. Write down defect of Rutherford’s model.
  14. What is the maximum capacity of metal?
  15. Define Isotopes. Give two example.


  1. How neutron was discovered? Write its properties.
  2. State any Four Properties of Cathode rays.
  3. Write difference between the Ruther Fords and Bohr’s atomic theory.
  4. What is Isotopes? Describe the isotopes of hydrogen.



  1. What are triads? Give an example.
  2. Define Mendeleev’s Periodic law.
  3. Difference between Mendeleev’s periodic law and Modern Periodic law.
  4. What is meant by periodic function?
  5. Define transition elements.
  6. Why elements are called s and p block elements.
  7. What is meant by Atomic Radius? Write its unit.
  8. Why does atomic size increase in a group?
  9. Define Shielding effect.
  10. Give the trend of ionization energy in a period. Also give reason.
  11. What is trend of Electron affinity in group and period?
  12. What is electronegativity? Write its units.
  13. Why size of atom decrease in a period?
  14. What is electron affinity? Give an example


  1. Define the shielding effect. Write its trend in period and groups.
  2. Define Group and explain all periods in periodic table.
  3. Discuss any three important features of modern periodic table.



  1. Why do atoms form chemical bonds?
  2. Define single covalent bond and give one example.
  3. Differentiate between donor atom and acceptor atom.
  4. Describe at least two necessary conditions for the formation of Covalent bond.
  5. Difference between Polar and Non –Polar covalent bond.
  6. Why does a covalent bond become polar?
  7. What is meant by Metallic bond?
  8. Ice floats on the surface of water. Giver reason.
  9. Ionic Compounds are solids. Explain.
  10. What is meant by Co-Ordinate covalent compounds?
  11. Why metal are good conductors of electricity.
  12. Write down two physical properties of metal.


  1. What is Chemical Bond? Why do atoms from chemical bond?
  2. Define Covalent bond and write its types with one example of each.
  3. What is Covalent bond and describe properties of covalent compounds.
  4. What are covalent compounds? Describe properties of covalent compounds.
  5. Write five properties of metal.



  1. Define a diffusion of gas with an example.
  2. Differentiate between Diffusion and effusion.
  3. Define Standard atmosphere pressure and write its unit.
  4. What do you know about mobility of gases
  5. What is absolute temperature? Write its value.
  6. Define Charles’s law.
  7. What is vapour pressure?
  8. Convert -30 o C to K unit.
  9. Why drops of rain fall downward?
  10. Justify why Evaporation is a cooling process.
  11. Define Boiling point and melting point.
  12. Difference between crystalline and amorphous solid.
  13. Define the term allotropy with example.


  1. State Boyle’s Law. Write its mathematical expression and explain its experimental
  2. Define Charles’s law and give its experimental verification.
  3. Describe three factors which effect the evaporation.



  1. Define aqueous solution. Write its components.
  2. Difference between solute and solvent?
  3. Define Standard Solution.
  4. Write the name of two non-polar solvents.
  5. What is meant by mass/mass%?
  6. What do you mean by Volume/ Volume %
  7. What is meant by Molarity? Also its formula.
  8. What is Tyndall effect?
  9. How will you test weather given solution is colloidal solution or not?
  10. Different between Collide and Suspension.
  11. Write two examples of suspension.
  12. Why we stir paints thoroughly before use?


  1. Define Solubility. Give the general principles of Solubility.
  2. Describe five properties of Colloids.
  3. Write five characteristics of suspension and colloid.



  1. Define Reduction on the basis of electron and give example.
  2. Define Oxidizing agent with an example.
  3. Define Oxidation in terms of electrons and give an example.
  4. Define Redox Reaction. Give an example.
  5. Difference between Electrolytes and non-Electrolytes.
  6. Define anode and cathode.
  7. Which force drives the non –spontaneous reaction to take place?
  8. Where do the electrons flow from Zn electrode in Daniel’s cell?
  9. Difference between Electrolytic cell and Galvanic cell.
  10. Define Corrosion.
  11. What is salt bridge? What is its basis function?
  12. Write the redox reaction taking place during the electroplating of chromium.


  1. Describe the rules for assigning the oxidation number.
  2. Explain oxidation and Reduction in terms of loss and gain of electron.
  3. Compare electrolytic and galvanic cell.
  4. What is electrolysis? Explain the electrolysis of water.
  5. Explain the manufacture of Sodium metal from fused NaCl.
  6. Define corrosion and rusting. Describe any three methods for prevention of corrosion



  1. How will you compare the electronegativity of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals?
  2. What do you mean by 24 carat gold?
  3. Any two uses of Sodium.
  4. Write down two uses of Gold.
  5. Write down two uses of Silver.
  6. Write the names of noble metal
  7. Write chemical properties of non-metal.
  8. Describe the non-metallic character in groups and period of a periodic table.
  9. Write any two chemical properties of halogens.
  10. Give chemical reaction of methane with chlorine in bright light.
  11. Write down chemical reaction of sodium with H2 and Cl2.
  12. Write the chemical reaction of methane with chlorine


  1. Define metals. Also write four chemical properties of metals.
  2. Write down four uses of Silver in daily life.

Chemistry Guess Papers Punjab Board

Sure, many of you are good at chemistry, but not everyone on this page is good at chemistry. Why they are not good at chemistry is no longer our concern. Our goal is to provide you with an assessment test paper so that you can get good scores in the final exam. Even if you don’t get good grades, you can still get a minimum passing score in the final exam. Puzzle papers will be uploaded on this page and you can access all these puzzle papers. 9th-grade chemistry assessment questions will be uploaded on this page one day before the final exam. In fact, judging the subject is the last option to get a passing score in the final exam.

Chemistry Guess Papers Punjab Board

By evaluating the paper, you will determine what type of paper it may be. Experts create assessment files based on the importance of the problem. The most important questions are few, and the examiner can ask them in the final exam. All you have to do is get these guest files and prepare yourself based on these guest files. BISE Lahore Level 9 Chemistry Guess Papers are free online queries.

9th Class Guess Papers 2024 All Subjects All Punjab Board Guess Papers

9th Class Biology Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class Biology Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board.Guess the papers are for reference only, and candidates should be fully prepare for the exam. Attachment is a peer-to-peer program leaflet. Since you are a ninth-grader, Biology is an important and necessary subject for you. The Class 9 pairing plan could also be effective and useful in test preparation. Guess the papers are for reference only, and candidates should be fully prepare for the exam. Good luck, dear students! 9th-grade exam papers for all subjects are online. Almost every available topic has different ALP questions. We uploaded the ninth-grade bio Guess paper, which will help you prepare. Biology Ninth Class Assessment Paper Punjab Board 2024 for Exam.

Notes: Start practice of these advantageous guess papers without wasting any hour. You will understand the importance of these guess papers in the examination. Hurry up students, its a time to make the preparation perfect by these guess papers 2024 class 9. You can check 9th class guess paper in pdf here and can also save them along with Class 9 Notes.

9th Class Biology short Guess Papers 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class Biology Guess Papers 2024 View/Download

9th Class Biology Guess Papers Chapter Wise PDF

ChaptersChapter NameMedium
1Introduction to BiologyEnglish Medium
2Solving a Biological ProblemEnglish Medium
3BiodiversityEnglish Medium
4Cells and TissuesEnglish Medium
5Cell CycleEnglish Medium
6EnzymesEnglish Medium
7BioenergeticsEnglish Medium
8NutritionEnglish Medium
9TransportEnglish Medium
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9th Class Biology Guess Papers SHORT QUESTIONS



  1. Define Biology and branches of biology.
  2. What is parasites? Define parasitology.
  3. Write the contribution of Bu Ali Sina.
  4. Write two inventions of Jabir Bin Hayan.
  5. Write down the names of groups for biomolecules and give example.
  6. Write difference between population and community.
  7. What is Biosphere level?
  8. Difference between cell level and tissue level.
  9. What is meant by Biotechnology?
  10. Biotechnology help is mankind. Justify
  11. What is immunology?
  12. Difference between physiology and taxonomy.
  13. What is meant by Bio-elements?
  14. What is species? Write an example.
  15. Difference between vegetative organs and reproductive organs.
  16. Difference between Micromolecules and Macromolecules with example


  1. Write a note on Muslim scientists.
  2. Describe the relationship of Biology with other sciences.
  3. Give four careers in Biology.
  4. Arite note on tissue, organ and organ system



  1. Differentiate between theory and law.
  2. Why quantitative observations are considered better than qualitative observations?
  3. Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative observations with examples.
  4. Define bioinformatics.
  5. What is incubation period?
  6. Define scientific method and biological method.
  7. What do you mean by the biological problem?
  8. Write the observations of Dr. A.F.A King about malaria.
  9. Write the characteristics of a good hypothesis.
  10. How we make hypothesis?
  11. What is meant by deductions?





Important Short questions

  1. Define biodiversity.
  2. Briefly describe the importance of biodiversity.
  3. Write aims of classification.
  4. What do you mean by binomial nomenclature?
  5. Describe the relationship between taxonomy and systematics.
  6. Differentiate between the terms ‘distinct’ and endangered species.
  7. Differentiate between the nutrition methods in plants and fungi.
  8. Why viruses are not included in any kingdom? OR What is the place of viruses in
  9. What is meant by deforestation?
  10. How the scientist give scientific names to living organisms?
  11. What are monera?
  12. Write the names of five-kingdom system


  1. How human activities are affecting biodiversity.
  2. Write the aims and rules of binomial nomenclature
  3. Write the aims and rules of classification.
  4. Give the importance of biodiversity



  1. Define cell theory. Write its principles.
  2. Write the functions of leucoplasts and chromoplasts.
  3. Differentiate between diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport.
  4. What is meant by hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.
  5. What is the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex?
  6. What is osmosis?
  7. Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis.
  8. Differentiate between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
  9. What are voluntary and involuntary muscles?
  10. Write the name of two tissues found in Plants.
  11. Write about phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
  12. Write the function of plasmodesmata.
  13. What is meant by diffusion and facilitated diffusion?
  14. Define magnification and resolution.


  1. Write a note on meristematic tissues in plants and muscle tissues in animals.
  2. Write the structure and functions of nucleus.
  3. Write the functions of cell membrane and cell wall.
  4. What is the cytoskeleton? give its importance.
  5. Write a note of endoplasmic reticulum, Epidermal tissues



  1. Define cell cycle and write the names of its major phases.
  2. Differentiate between somatic cells and germline cells.
  3. What is regenerations?
  4. How asexual reproduction occurs in hydra?
  5. Differentiate between benign and malignant tumors.
  6. What is metastasis?
  7. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
  8. What is crossing over?
  9. What is disjunction and non-disjunction?
  10. What are apoptotic bodies?
  11. What is phragmoplast?
  12. What is meant by G0 and G1 phase?
  13. Define asexual reproduction with an example.
  14. What is meant by cytokinesis and karyokinesis?


  1. Discuss four phases of interphase during cell cycle.
  2. What is the significance of Mitosis?
  3. Difference between Apoptosis and Necrosis



  1. What are biocatalysts?
  2. What are enzymes?
  3. Differentiate between substrates and products.
  4. What is activation energy?
  5. Define cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic groups.
  6. Write about the use of enzymes in the paper industry.
  7. How enzymes are denatured?
  8. In what way do enzymes reduce the activation energy?
  9. Differentiate between anabolism and catabolism.
  10. What is meant by optimum pH for an enzyme?
  11. Write about the induced-fit model and Lock and key model of enzyme action.


  1. What are Enzymes? Describe five characteristics of enzyme.
  2. Explain the mechanism of enzyme action.
  3. Enzyme affect of temperature and substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme action



  1. Define bioenergetics.
  2. What is ATP? Write names of its subunits.
  3. Write the significance of anaerobic respiration.
  4. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  5. Define cellular respiration.
  6. What is electron transport chain?
  7. Differentiate between alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
  8. Compare respiration and photosynthesis.
  9. What is glycolysis?
  10. What is meant by light reaction and dark reaction?
  11. What is the electron transport chain? how is it formed?
  12. Briefly explain oxidation and reduction processes.


  1. Differentiate between light reactions and dark reactions
  2. Write the role of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis.
  3. Describe the limiting factors in photosynthesis.
  4. Explain the mechanism of respiration



  1. Differentiate between bolus and chyme.
  2. What do you mean by nutrition?
  3. What are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
  4. Write the sources and function of vitamin A.
  5. What are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins?
  6. Write the sources and functions of vitamin D.
  7. Write functions of dietary fibre.
  8. What is a balanced diet?
  9. Define malnutrition. Write names of its types.
  10. Write steps of digestion in human.
  11. Write the functions of the oral cavity.
  12. What is peristalsis?
  13. What is an appendix?
  14. What is anemia?
  15. Write symptoms of Ulcer.
  16. Write the causes of constipation and Diarrhoea
  17. What is obesity?
  18. Write name of two major kinds of fertilizers


  1. Describe the role of liver in the digestion of food.
  2. Describe the process of digestion in small intestine.
  3. Describe the problems related to nutrition.
  4. Write the importance of fertilizers for plants



  1. Define cohesion tension theory.
  2. What is meant by source and sink?
  3. Write the functions of pericardial fluid.
  4. Define systole and diastole.
  5. What is the role of potassium ion in opening and closing of stomata?
  6. What is myocardial infarction?
  7. What is pulmonary and systemic circulation?
  8. Who are universal donors and universal recipients.
  9. What is leukemia?
  10. Write the composition of blood plasma
  11. What is transpiration?
  12. What is antigen?
  13. Who are called universal doners?
  14. Write two differences between arteries and veins.


  1. How uptake of water and ions take place in plants?
  2. Write a note on ABO blood group system.
  3. What do you mean by blood groups? How do we classify blood groups in terms of ABO and Rh
    blood group systems?
  4. Difference between structure and function of arteries and veins.

Guess Papers 9th Class Biology

Good luck, dear students! 9th-grade exam papers for all subjects are online. Almost every available topic has different ALP questions. We uploaded the ninth-grade biogas test paper, which will help you prepare. Biology Ninth Class Assessment Paper Punjab Board for Exam. ۔ The Class 9 pairing plan could also be effective and useful in test preparation. Guess the papers are for reference only, and candidates should be fully prepar for the exam. Good luck, dear students! 9th-grade exam papers for all subjects are online.

Grade 9 candidates can get guest papers for any subject from this page. Guess the papers are for reference only, and candidates should be fully prepar for the exam. Good luck, dear students! 9th-grade exam papers for all subjects are online. There are very few boards, you can get these boards from this page just to evaluate the paper. Guess the papers are for reference only, and candidates should be fully prepare for the exam. Good luck, dear students! 9th-grade exam papers for all subjects are online.

9 Class Marks Distribution ( Science Group )
Sr.No Subjects Objective Subjective
Total Marks
1English 19 5×2=10 46 75
2Urdu 155×2=105075
3Islamiat Compulsory 10×1=1012×2=241650
4Pak Studies 10×1=1012×2=241650
5Mathematics 15×1=1518×2=368×3=2475
6Physics 12×1=1215×2=309×2=1860
7Chemistry 12×1=1215×2=309×2=1860
8Biology 12×1=1215×2=309×2=1860
9Computer Science 10×1=1012×2=248×2=1650
9th Class Guess Papers 2024 All Subjects All Punjab Board Guess Papers

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024

Notes: Start practice of these advantageous guess papers without wasting any hour. You will understand the importance of these guess papers in the examination. Hurry up students, its a time to make the preparation perfect by these guess papers 2024 class 9. You can check 9th class guess paper in pdf here and can also save them along with Class 9 Notes.

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024.9th grade Tarjmat al-Qur’an Islamiat new book 2024 is a compulsory subject in 9th class. 50 marks paper of this book will be taken this year and all the students of 9th clas[s ust attempt this paper otherwise the students will fail in the exams. All boards in Punjab follow the same textbook for class 9 students. This year there will be two books of Islamiat for class 9 students one book is theoretical and one book is according to surahs and you will attempt the paper of both the books Quran and Islamiat paper will be conducted separately.

View Online 9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024

Following is the list of boards that can follow this New Book of Islamiat for session 2024

  • 9th Class Tarjam Tul Quran Islamiat text book For Punjab Board
  • 9th Class Tarjam Tul Quran Islamiat text book For Sindh board
  • 9th Class Tarjam Tul Quran Islamiat text book For Federal Board
  • Ninth Class Tarjam Tul Quran Islamiat text book For KPK Board
  • Ninth Class Tarjam Tul Quran Islamiat text book For AJ&k Board

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Download 9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Boards.The verses of Nazra Quran were distributed. Para 10 to 16 with Urdu translation for Class IX. Students can download 9th grade translation of Quran text book in PDF and students can also check 9th grade translation of Quran text book online as per their preparation requirement. Edcateweb Notes provides all class 9 subject books for Punjab Board in PDF format. The translation of the 9th class Quran textbook in PDF format is given below.Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board has issued notification regarding Holy Quran Syllabus 2024 for Class 1 to Class 12. Here you can download Nazra Quran Syllabus.

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Boards

We have uploaded here the new addition of 9th class Translation of Al-Quran Textbook. 9th Class Books 2024 Latest Edition by PTB. Download Class 9 Books in PDF for Both Art and Science Subjects. All updated books of PTB 9th class are available on our website. These are in PDF form and you can download them for free. These are the latest editions of PTB books. We have designed this page for students who are looking for 9th grade Quran translation textbook.

Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board Lahore (PCTB) has published this book. You can easily download the 9th class Translation of the Qur’an Textbook PDF.This year, the Punjab government will conduct an examination of Quran translation. This book will help the students to prepare for the exams. Ninth grade translated Quran textbook published by PCTB Lahore. PCTB has e-books for all classes including 9th class books in PDF format.

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024

9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper 2024View-Download

Download 9th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Guess Paper

All books of Punjab Text Book Board are available here.9th grade Translation of Quran Islamiat new book 2024 is a compulsory subject in 9th grade. 50 marks paper of this book will be take this year and all students of 9th class must attempt this paper otherwise students will fail in the exams. All boards in Punjab follow the same textbook for class 9 students. This year there will be two books of Islamiat for class 9 students one book is theoretical and one book is according to surahs and you will try that the papers of both the books will be separate for Quran and Islamiat books.

You can see the syllabus outline of this 9th grade Tarjamat al-Qur’an Islamiyat new book 2024.

1)From Surah Maryam to Surah Al-HAj

2)From Surat al-Furqan to Surat al-Sajdah

3)From Surah Saba to Surah Al-Ahqaf

This is the course outline for this new book. You can check this new book of 9th class Tarjmat al-Qur’an Islamiat for session 2024 is an interesting book according to current situation requirements.

9th Class Guess Papers 2024 All Subjects All Punjab Board Guess Papers

9th Class General Science Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board

Notes: Start practice of these advantageous guess papers without wasting any hour. You will understand the importance of these guess papers in the examination. Hurry up students, its a time to make the preparation perfect by these guess papers 2024 class 9. You can check 9th class guess paper in pdf here and can also save them along with Class 9 Notes.

General Science Very simple but a little long article. When it comes to exam approaches, easy or difficult 9th Class students are always looking for something to help. They look for simple things that make the paper easier. We are not proposing to just take this General Science Guess Paper 2024 and forget about your preparation. Don’t just apply guess paper 2024 because it is not 100% sure where the paper comes from. General Science Assessment Paper. So first complete the preparation paper as you usually prepare 9th class General Science Guess Paper Punjab Board.9th Class General Science Guess Paper Punjab Board.

General Science Guess Paper Punjab Board 9th Class

9th Class General Science Guess Paper Punjab Board. Therefore, there is a good chance for slow and smart students to get good marks in the 9th class with good marks. SSC students of 9th and 10th class can download guess papers with tips and exercises. They will provide you with key questions from the last 5 years and 10 years question bank of all regional education committees under BISE. Curriculum for 9th and 10th grade in Urdu and English secondary schools or colleges, which applies to all regional or constituency education.SSC students can download SSC sample essay 2024 and new curriculum learning materials by subject. They can easily get samples and suggested questions for English Intermediate and Urdu Intermediate students.

Guess Paper Punjab Board 9th Class General Science

9th Class General Science Guess Paper Punjab Board.BISE general and private students can serve as sample templates for evaluating test paper exercises for the final examinations of the General and Vocational Courses of SSC No. 1 Part and Part 2 2024. The Ministry of Education has provided the syllabus of SSC 2024 for FBISE and BISE boards and their affiliated public and private schools, and they have published the syllabus of Urdu secondary schools and English secondary schools, and the Intermediate and Secondary Education Committee Dated.9th Grade Biology Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board. Attachment is a peer-to-peer program leaflet.

9th Class General Science Guess Paper 2024

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9th Class General Science Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board

9th Class General Science Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board. We uploaded the ninth-grade biogas test paper, which will help you prepare. Biology Ninth Class Assessment Paper Punjab Board 2024 for Exam.9th Grade Biology Estimation Paper Punjab Board. I hope that interested students can get a lot of useful exercises from the Biology ALP questions in Lesson 9 and the article matching scheme available in Lesson 9. Questions, but this does not mean that these exam papers alone are sufficient for 100% preparation for Level 9 Biology. For the full score of the annual exam, each student has to prepare a textbook for the exam according to the rules.

9th Class Biology Assessment Paper Punjab Board. Their curriculum is tailored to their needs, and they have announced and provided new SSCs. Curriculum for the country’s education commission. Since you are a ninth-grader, biology is an important and necessary subject for you. All available subjects for 9th grade are written in accordance with the Smart Assessment Papers ALP (Smart Syllabus), focusing on Smart Curriculum textbook exercises and questions selected from past papers in Class 9.
